First Steps

First Steps guides you to discover your purpose and live the life God created for you.

This guide is made up of four steps that equip you to follow Jesus, connect to the church, discover your purpose, and serve others! 

This class will be held every Sunday at 10 AM and will be taught every month. So even if you start in the middle you can catch back up the next month.

  • step one - who we are

    In this step you'll learn about FPC Columbus and what we are all about. 

    Step one will be taught the first Sunday of every month. 

  • step two - who you are

    In this step you'll discover your personality & gifts and learn what they indicate about your life and where you best fit in the church. 

    Step two will be taught the second Sunday of ever month.

  • step three - Your next step

    In this step you will learn what we believe and how you can take your NEXT STEP!

    Step three will be taught the third Sunday of every month. 

  • step four - join the team

    During this final step we hope to provide you with clear instructions about your "next steps" and how to get involved in a team and step into your purpose.

    And you may have guessed it but step four will be taught on the last Sunday of every month.